There are many ways to gain instant credibility and command a room. Credibility is gained through your body language. It is gained from the way your voice sounds. It is also gained from the creative elements you bring to your delivery. Communication training for leaders should include all of these elements to elevate the way you facilitate.
by Stephanie Bickel

Begin to incorporate these 10 strategies to become a commanding presence in front of a room.
1. Make eye contact
Making eye contact with your audience can help establish a connection and show that you are confident and engaged in your message.
2. Use body language
Your body language can also help command a room's attention. Stand up straight, make expansive gestures, and use your hands to emphasize your points.
3. Project your voice
Use your voice to your advantage by speaking clearly and confidently. Project your voice to the back of the room, and vary your volume and pace to keep your audience engaged.
4. Use pauses and silence effectively
Pausing and using silence can be powerful tools for commanding a room's attention. Use them to emphasize key points and give your audience time to process what you are saying.
5. Use humor
Adding appropriate humor to your message can help keep your audience engaged and attentive.
6. Use props or visual aids
Using props or visual aids can help illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged.
7. Be passionate
Showing enthusiasm and passion for your message can help command a room's attention and keep your audience interested.
8. Be prepared
Being well prepared and knowledgeable about your topic can help you command a room's attention and inspire confidence in your audience.
9. Use storytelling
Telling stories can be an effective way to engage your audience and keep their attention.
10. Be authentic
Being genuine and authentic can help establish a connection with your audience and command their attention.
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