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Leadership Communication #39: Get More Visible

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

By Stephanie Bickel

You work hard. You contribute ideas and drive projects, but somehow your efforts seem to go unnoticed. You may feel like your contributions don’t get the recognition they deserve, and the visibility of your work doesn't match its impact. In a crowded workplace, standing out can feel daunting—how do you increase your professional presence without being overly self-promotional? Listen to the Apple Podcasts.

The key to increasing your visibility is to think and act BIG. Being visible isn’t just about drawing attention to yourself, it’s about ensuring your ideas and initiatives are memorable. To get noticed, you must make strategic moves to engage with others, present your ideas confidently, and create lasting connections that spark curiosity and recognition. It's about being present, being involved, and positioning yourself and your ideas in a way that people not only remember but also talk about when you're not in the room.

There’s a common misconception that to get noticed, you need to dominate conversations or constantly self-promote. Please don't focus on self-promotion. It is obvious and hurts relationships at work. The most natural and effective way to increase visibility is to promote the team, the idea, the customer, or your organization. You do not have to be the loudest voice or the smartest person in the room. In fact, one of the most effective ways to boost visibility is to ask others for their input and champion their ideas. When you ask someone for their thoughts or invite them to speak, it boosts the relationship and often leads to reciprocity—they will want to ask you to speak in return. Be a giver of attention, and you will naturally become more visible without needing to monopolize the conversation.

There are simple, small steps you can take today to start boosting your visibility - optically. Simple actions like sitting closer to the center of the table during meetings or leaning slightly into the camera on Zoom calls can elevate your physical presence. Dressing in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable also enhances how others perceive you. Initiating more meaningful conversations and sharing relevant, personal stories are great ways to stand out and make lasting impressions in informal settings.

Unfortunately, if you don’t actively manage your visibility, your ideas may never get the recognition they deserve and your initiatives may never get the support they need. Being great at what you do isn't enough—especially in a fast-paced environment where everyone is competing for attention. If you stay quiet, pass up opportunities to speak, or fail to follow up after meetings, your ideas and efforts may get overlooked. Simply doing good work without ensuring it's seen and remembered can leave you stuck in the shadows.

Research shows that visibility is directly linked to career success. According to a study from Harvard Business Review, employees who actively increase their visibility are 42% more likely to be promoted. Leaders who consistently share their ideas and take initiative in meetings are viewed as more influential by their peers and superiors. And it’s not just about being present in the room—effective leaders know how to position their ideas for maximum impact.

Let’s talk about Alex. Alex was on the fast track to becoming a partner at his firm, but he kept hearing the same feedback: he needed to improve his communication skills and boost his visibility. To tackle both challenges, he created a training session called "Talk Like Mary," inspired by a respected senior leader known for her presentation skills. Alex not only led the training, but he also built stronger relationships with his colleagues and supervisors through this initiative. The training became so popular that Alex was invited to repeat it multiple times, significantly increasing his visibility and eventually securing his partner promotion. By creatively showcasing his skills, Alex made a lasting impression on both peers and senior leaders.

Imagine walking into meetings confidently, knowing that your presence and ideas are valued and remembered. Colleagues turn to you for advice, and your input becomes essential to the team’s success. With the right strategies, you can elevate your professional presence and become a trusted leader within your organization. It starts with small actions—asking questions, sharing stories, and positioning yourself physically and verbally in the room. From there, bigger opportunities—such as leading workshops or creating new initiatives—will naturally arise, further boosting your visibility. Communication coaching can help you refine these skills and make sure that your ideas and contributions are never overlooked again. By thinking big and acting strategically, you can ensure that your work gets the recognition it deserves.

Increased visibility doesn’t come from dominating the room, but from thoughtful, strategic moves that align with your authentic self.


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